Gideon Grader
Personal Info
Ph.D. 1986, California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, CA.Industrial work, 1986-1989, Ceramic and Metal Research Department, AT&T Bell Laboratories, Murray Hill, NJ.
Research Fields
Advanced Materials and Devices, Sustainability: Environment, Water, and Energy, Processes, Surface-PhenomenaResearch Topics
Ceramics for energy applications.
Sol-Gel coatings.
Ceramic fibers by electrospinning.
Effective combustion of nitrogen-based fuels.
Hydrogen generation by advanced electrolysis.
Landman, A., Halabi, M., Dias, P., Dotan, H., Mehlmann, A., Shter, G. E., Halabi, M., Naseraldeen, O., Mendes, A., Grader, G. S., Rothschild, A., (2020). Decoupled Photoelectrochemical Water Splitting System for Centralized Hydrogen Production, Joule
Halabi, M., Mann-Lahav, M., Beilin, V., Shter, G. E., Elishav, O., Grader, G. S., and Dekel, D. R., (2020). Electrospun Anion-Conducting Ionomer Fibers—Effect of Humidity on Final Properties, Polymer
Mann-Lahav, M., Halabi, M., Shter, G. E., Beilin, V., Balaish, M., Ein-Eli, Y., Dekel, D. R., Grader, G. S., (2020). Electrospun ionomeric fibers with anion conducting properties, Advanced Functional Materials
Elishav, O., Shener Y., Beilin V., Gennady E. Shter, Ngc B, Mustain E. W, Landau M. L., Herskowitz M., and Gideon. S. Grader Shter, G.E. & Grader G. S., (2020). Electrospun Nanofibers with Surface Oriented Lamellar Pattern and Potential Applications. Nanoscale
Elishav, O., Mosevitzky Lis B., Miller M. E, Arent J. D, Valera-Medina A, Grinberg Dana A, Shter G. E., & Grader G. S., (2020). Progress and Prospective of Nitrogen-based Alternative Fuels. Chemical Reviews
Elishav, O., Shener Y., Beilin V., Landau M. L., Herskowitz M., Gennady E. Shter, and Gideon. S. Grader Shter, G.E. & Grader G. S., (2020). Electrospun Fe-Al-O Nanobelts for Selective CO2 Hydrogenation to Light Olefins. ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces, 12, 24855–24867.
H. Dotan, A. Landman, S.W. Sheehan, K. Deo Malviya, G.E. Shter, D.A. Grave, Z. Arzi, N. Yehudai, M. Halabi, N. Gal, N. Hadari, C. Cohen, A. Rothschild, G.S. Grader, “Decoupled hydrogen and oxygen evolution by a two-step electrochemical–chemical cycle for efficient overall water splitting”, Nature Energy, 2019, 4, 786-795.
O. Elishav, L. Poliak, I. Naamat, V. Beilin, G.E. Shter, G.S. Grader, “Lamellar-like Electrospun Mesoporous Ti-Al-O Nanofibers”, Materials, 2019, 12(2), 252.
A. Landman, H. Dotan, G.E. Shter, M. Wullenkord, A. Houaijia, A. Maljusch, G.S. Grader and A. Rothschild, “Photoelectrochemical water splitting in separate oxygen and hydrogen cells”, Nature Materials, 2017, 16, 646-651.
Gideon Grader