Hossam Haick
Personal Info
Ph.D. 2002, Technion - Israel Institute of TechnologyResearch Fields
Advanced Materials and Devices, Biosystems and BioengineeringResearch Topics
LNBD research concentrates on applying nanomaterial-based devices to real-world needs. Primarily, this takes the form of noninvasive sensors that detect diseases and provide inanimate objects with tactile sensation. These efforts are realized through two main fields of research, nanomaterial-based devices and volatolomics. Often, these areas merge in clinical studies conducted by the LNBD together with hospitals and research institutes worldwide, and at international consortia.
Konvalina, G.; Leshansky, A.; Haick, H. Printing Nanostructures with a Propelled Anti-Pinning Ink Droplet. Adv. Funct. Mater. 25, 2411–2419 (2015).
Segev-Bar, M.; Konvalina, G.; Haick, H. High Resolution Unpixelated Electronic Skin Strip with Anti-Parallel Thickness Gradients of Nanoparticles. Adv. Mater. 27(10), 1779-1784 (2015).
Shehada, N.; Brönstrup, G.; Funka, K.; Christiansen, S.; Leja, M.; Haick, H. Ultrasensitive Silicon Nanowire for Real-World Gas Sensing: 2 Noninvasive Diagnosis of Cancer from Breath Volatolome. Nano Lett. 15(2), 1288–1295 (2015)
Amal, H.; Shi, D. –Y.; Ionescu, R.; Zhang, W. Hua, Q. –L.; Pan, Y. –Y.; Tao, L.; Tao, L.; Liu, H.; Haick, H. Assessment of Ovarian Cancer Conditions from Exhaled Breath. Int. J. Cancer 136, E614–E622 (2015).
Nakhleh, M.; Broza, Y. Y. Haick, H. Monolayer-Capped Gold Nanoparticles for Disease Detection from Breath. Nanomedicine (Future Medicine) 9, 1991–2002 (2014).
Davies, M. P. A.; Barash, O.; Jeries, R.; Peled, N.; Ilouze, M.; Hyde, R.; Marcus, M. W.; Field, J. K.; Haick, H. Unique volatolomic signatures of TP53 and KRAS in lung cells. Br. J. Cancer 111, 1213–1221 (2014).
Nakhleh, M. K.; Amal, H.; Awad, H.; Gharra, A.; Abu-Saleh, N.; Jeries, R.; Haick, H.; Abassi, Z. Sensor Arrays Based on Nanoparticles for Early Detection of Kidney Injury by Breath Samples. Nanomedicine (New York, NY, US) 10, 1767–1776 (2014).
Nakhleh, M. K.; Jeries, R.; Gharra, A.; Binder, A.; Broza, Y. Y.; Pascoe, M.; Dheda, K.; Haick, H. Detecting Active Pulmonary Tuberculosis with a Breath Test Using Nanomaterial-Based Sensors. Europ. Resp. J. 43, 1522 – 1525 (2014).
Broza, Y. Y.; Zuri, L.; Haick, H. Combined Volatolomics for Monitoring of Human Body Chemistry. Nature Sci. Rep. 4: (2014) (doi: 10.1038/srep04611)
Wang, B.; Cancilla, J. C.; Torrecilla, J.; Haick, H. Artificial Sensing Intelligence with Silicon Nanowires for Ultra-Selective Detection in the Gas Phase. Nano Lett. 14, 933-938 (2014).
Haick, H.*; Broza, Y. Y.; Mochalski, P.; Ruzsanyi, V.; Amann, A. Assessment, Origin, and Implementation of Breath Volatile Cancer Markers. Chem. Soc. Rev. 43, 1423-1449 (2014).
Konvalina, G; Haick, H. Sensors for Breath Testing: From Nanomaterials to Comprehensive Disease Detection. Acc. Chem. Res. 47, 66–76 (2014).
Segev-Bar, M.; Haick, H. Flexible Sensors Based on Nanoparticles. ACS Nano 7, 8366–8378 (2013).
Cohen-Kaminsky, S.; Nakhleh, M.; Perros, F.; Montani, D.; Girerd, B.; Garcia, G.; Simonneau, G.; Haick, H.; Humbert, M. A Proof of Concept for the Detection and Classification of Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension through Breath Analysis with a Sensor-Array. Am. J. Resp. Crit. Care Med. 188, 156-759 (2013).
Peled, N.; Barash, O.; Tisch, U.; Ionescu, R.; Ilouze, M.; Mattei, M.; Bunn, P. A. Jr R., Hirsch, F. R.; Haick, H. Volatile Fingerprints of Cancer Specific Genetic Mutations. Nanomedicine (New York, NY, US) 9(6), 758-766 (2013).
Broza, Y.; Haick, H. Nanomaterial-based Sensors for Detection of Disease by Volatile Organic Compounds. Nanomedicine (London, UK) 8, 785-806 (2013) – An Invited Review.
Xu, Z. –Q.; Ionsecu, R.; Broza, Y.; Tisch, U.; Ding, L.; Liu, H.; Song, Q.; Pan, Y. –Y.; Xiong, F. -X.; Gu, K. –S.; Sun, G. –P.; Chen, Z. -D.; Leja, M.; Haick, H. The Breathprints of Gastric Cancer and Benign Gastric Conditions. Br. J. Cancer 108(4), 941-950 (2013).
Hakim, M.; Broza, Y. Y.; Barash, O.; Peled, N.; Phillips, M.; Amann, A.; Haick, H. Volatile Organic Compounds of Lung Cancer and Possible Biochemical Pathways. Chem. Rev. 112 (11), 5949–5966 (2012).
Peled, N.; Hakim, M.; Tisch, U.; Bunn, P. A. Jr. R.; Miller, Y. E.; Kennedy, T. C.; Mattei, J.; Mitchell, J. D.; Weyant, M. J.; Hirsch, F. R.; Haick, H. Non-invasive Breath Analysis of Pulmonary Nodules. J. Thorac. Oncol. 7(10), 1528-1533 (2012).
Assad, O.; Leshansky, A. M.; Stelzner, T.; Christiansen, S.; Haick, H. A Spray-Coating Route for Highly Aligned and Large-Scale Arrays of Silicon Nanowires. ACS NANO 6(6), 4702-4712 (2012).
Paska, Y.; Stelzner, T.; Tisch, U.; Assad, O.; Christiansen, S.; Haick, H. Molecular Gating of Silicon Nanowire Field Effect Transistors with Nonpolar Analytes. ACS NANO 6(1), 335-345 (2012).
Tisch, U.; Aluf, A.; Ionescu, R.; Nakhle, M.; Bassal, R.; Axelrod, N.; Robertman, D.; Tessler, Y.; Finberg, J. P. M.; Haick, H. Towards a Breath Test for Early Parkinson’s Disease: Carbon Nanotube Sensors for Detecting Asymptomatic Nigro-Striatal Dopaminergic Lesion in Rats. ACS Chem. Neurosci. 3(3), 161-166 (2012).
Barash, O.; Peled, N.; Bunn, P. A. Jr.; Hirsch, F. R.; Haick, H. Classification of lung cancer histology by gold nanoparticle sensors. Nanomedicine (New York, NY, US), 8(5), 580-589 (2012).
Marom, O.; Nakhoul, F.; Tisch, U.; Shiban, A.; Abassi, Z.; Haick, H. A Breath Test for Chronic Kidney Disease and Disease Progression. Nanomedicine (London, UK), 7(5), 639-650 (2012).
Zilberman, Y.; Ionescu, R.; Feng, X.; Müllen, K.; Haick, H. A Nano Array of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons and Carbon Nanotubes for Accurate and Predictive Detection in Real-World Environmental Humidity. ACS NANO 5(8), 6743–6753 (2011).
Paska, Y.; Stelzner, T.; Christiansen, S.; Haick, H. Enhanced Sensing of Nonpolar Volatile Organic Compounds by Silicon Nanowire Field Effect Transistors, ACS NANO 5(7), 5620-5626 (2011).
Hakim, M.; Billan, S.; Tisch, U.; Peng, G.; Dvorkind, I.; Marom, O.; Abdah-Bortnyak, R.; Kuten, A.; Haick, H. Diagnosis of Head&Neck Cancer from Exhaled Breath. Br. J. Cancer 104, 1649-1655 (2011).
Peng, G.; Hakim, M.; Broza, Y. Y.; Billan, S.; Abdah-Bortnyak, R.; Kuten, A.; Tisch, U.; Haick, H. Detection of Lung, Breast, Colorectal, and Prostate Cancers from Exhaled Breath using a Single Array of Nanosensors. British J. Cancer 103, 542 – 551 (2010).
Zilberman, Y.; Tisch, U.; Shuster, G.; Pisula, W.; Feng, X.; Müllen, K.; Haick, H. Carbon Nanotube/Hexa-peri-hexabenzocoronene Bilayers for Discrimination between Nonpolar Volatile Organic Compounds of Cancer and Humid Atmospheres. Adv. Mater. 22, 4317–4320 (2010).
Paska, Y.; Haick, H. Systematic Cross-Linking Changes within a Self-Assembled Monolayer in a Nanogap Junction: A Tool for Investigating the Intermolecular Electronic Coupling. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 132(6), 1774-1775 (2010).
Peng, G.; Tisch, U.; Adams, U.; Hakim, M.; Shehada, N.; Broza, Y. Y.; Billan, S.; Abdah-Bortnyak, R.; Kuten, A.; Haick, H. Diagnosing Lung Cancer in Exhaled Breath Using Au Nanoparticles. Nature Nanotechnology 4, 669-673 (2009).
Bashouti, M. Y.; Tung, R. T.; Haick, H. Tuning Electrical Properties of Si Nanowire Field Effect Transistors by Molecular Engineering. Small 5(23), 2761-2769 (2009).
Barash, O.; Peled, N.; Hirsch, F. R.; Haick, H. Sniffing the Unique ”Odor Print” of Non-Small-Cell Lung Cancer with Gold Nanoparticles. Small 5(22), 2618-2624 (2009).
Yaffe, O.; Scheres, L.; Puniredd, S. R.; Stein, N.; Biller, A.; Har-Lavan, R.; Shpaisman, H.; Zuilhof, H.; Haick, H.; Cahen, D.*; Vilan, A.* Molecular Electronics at Metal/Semiconductor Junctions. Si Inversion by Sub-Nanometer Molecular Films. Nano Lett. 9(6), 2390-2394 (2009).
Haick, H.; Hakim, M.; Patrascua, M.; Levenberg, C.; Shehada, N.; Nakhoul, F.; Abassi, Z. Sniffing Chronic Renal Failure in Rat Models via an Array of Random Network of Single-Walled Carbon Nanotubes. ACS NANO, 3(5), 1258-1266 (2009).
Peng, G.; Tisch, U.; Haick, H. Detection of Nonpolar Molecules by Means of Carrier Scattering in Random Networks of Carbon Nanotubes: Towards Diagnosis of Diseases via Breath Samples. Nano Lett. 9(4), 1362-1368 (2009).
Dovgolevsky, E.; Tisch, U.; Haick, H. Chemically Sensitive Resistors Based on Monolayer-Capped Cubic Nanoparticles: Towards Configurable Nanoporous Sensors. Small 5(10), 1158-1161 (2009).
Assad, O.; Puniredd, S. R.; Stelzner, T.; Christiansen, S.; Haick, H. Stable Scaffolds for Reacting Si Nanowires with Further Organic Functionalities while Preserving Si-C Passivation of Surface Sites. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 130(52), 17670-17671 (2008).
Peng, G.; Trock, E.; Haick, H. Detecting Simulated Patterns of Lung Cancer Biomarkers by Random Network of Single-Walled Carbon Nanotubes Coated with Nonpolymeric Organic Materials. Nano Lett. 8(11), 3631-3635 (2008).
Puniredd, S. R.; Assad, O.; Haick, H. Highly Stable Organic Monolayers for Reacting Si with Further Functionalities: The Effect of C-C Bond nearby the Si Surface. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 130(41), 13727-13734 (2008).
Dovgolevsky, E.; Haick, H. Direct Observation of the Transition Point between Quasi-Spherical and Cubic Nanoparticles in Two-Step Seed-Mediated Growth Method. Small 4(11), 2059-2066 (2008).
Puniredd, S. R.; Assad, O.; Haick, H. Highly Stable Organic Modification of Si (111) Surfaces: Towards Reacting Si with Further Functionalities while Preserving the Desirable Chemical Properties of Full Si-C atop Site Terminations. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 130(29), 9184-9185 (2008).
Haick, H.*; Cahen, D. Making Contact: Connecting Molecules Electrically to the Macroscopic World. Prog. Surf. Sci. 83(4), 217-261 (2008).
Haick, H.; Cahen, D. Contacting Organic Molecules by Means of Soft Methods: Towards Molecule-Based Electronic Devices. Acc. Chem. Res. 41(3), 359-366 (2008).
Hossam Haick
