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Masters and PhD students

What masters programs are available?

There are two thesis tracks: Master of Science (MSc) in Chemical Engineering and Master of Science (MSc); and one non-thesis track: Master of Engineering (ME) in Chemical Engineering. For further reading: להשאיר כקישור פעיל

What PhD programs are available? The department has 3 programs leading to a PhD degree: the regular track for MSc graduates, a direct track going from the MSc degree to a PhD degree and a special doctoral track directly from the undergraduate studies program.

In which research areas can I specialize as an MSc or PhD student?

The department academic staff members offer opportunities for graduate students research in a broad  range of  fields: transfer phenomena and fluid flows, water desalination, operation development and process control, reactor engineering, adsorption and catalysis, polymer engineering and plastic materials, biochemistry and biomedical engineering, biophysics, microstructure and nanotechnology, colloidal systems and surface phenomena, crystal growth, alternative energy sources and more.

What are the admission requirements of the graduate program in chemical engineering?

Applicants must have an undergraduate degree in engineering or in exact/life sciences, with a GPA  of 83 or above and are required to submit two letters of recommendation. The undergraduate GPA is a basis for discussion by the graduate study committee and is not a guaranty for acceptance. Candidates with an average lower than the acceptance criterion (but not lower the 82) will be considered in unusual cases. Candidates are required to find a research advisor as a condition for being admitted.

Who is eligible for a full tuition waiver?

Soldiers in mandatory service and graduate students eligible for 4 scholarship units and above.

Are teaching positions available?

Yes, students may be able to find a teaching position and get paid as a junior staff members  , according to the department  needs. Obviously a working visa is needed for nonresidents is required.

Can a graduate student take courses from other departments, and if so, how many?

Students may take courses from other departments. The choice of courses require approval of the Graduate Studies Committee.

Can I change research supervisors in the middle of my graduate studies?

In principle, yes, but this must be determined on case by case biases. What is the standard grade point average required to continue to receive a scholarship while in the graduate/doctoral program?

The average grade required in order to get a scholarship for the entire period of study is a minimum of 80.

What is the passing grade in a graduate studies course and can a failing grade be corrected?

A passing grade for a graduate studies course is 65.  In the event of failure in the final exam it is possible to register for a second exam to be taken before the beginning of the following semester. Should a student receive a final failing grade in the course, he or she has one  chance to rectify the failure by registering and taking the course again.